How to Use the equator in a Sentence
the equator
During an equinox, the center of the sun’s disk is in the same plane as the equator.
—Janet Loehrke, USA TODAY, 18 Mar. 2023
For the Earth as a whole, warm air rises near the equator, and cold air sinks near the poles.
—Discover Magazine, 23 Sep. 2024
Near the equator, evening comes quickly once the sun is down.
—Andrew Weil, Harper's Magazine, 13 Dec. 2023
At the same time, the equator gets cold, as the Sun does not shine above the equator all year round.
—Gongjie Li, Discover Magazine, 11 Jan. 2024
March 20, also known as the spring equinox, marks the day when the sun crosses the equator and heads north.
—Katie Chang, Travel + Leisure, 1 Mar. 2023
The trees can be found in an area 20 degrees above and below the equator.
—Noël Fletcher, Forbes, 3 Nov. 2024
They’re found in many parts of the world, including warmer parts near the equator.
—Scott Travers, Forbes, 23 Nov. 2024
Outbreaks south of the equator hinted strongly of a surge in the north.
—Paul Sisson, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Sep. 2023
Hawaii opted out of the Uniform Time Act because of how close the state is to the equator.
—Chandra Fleming, Detroit Free Press, 21 Feb. 2023
Hawaii opted out of the Uniform Time Act because of how close the state is to the equator.
—Amy Huschka, Detroit Free Press, 9 Mar. 2024
But have no fear, freezing earthlings north of the equator — there is a bright side!
—Staff Author, Peoplemag, 20 Dec. 2022
On that day, people north of the equator will have their shortest day and longest night of the year.
—Kolbe Nelson, CBS News, 20 June 2023
The North Pole's tilt towards the sun is greatest at the solstice, so this event marks the longest day of the year north of the equator.
—The Arizona Republic, 17 Apr. 2024
On the evening of July 31, the storm will reach its peak, with viewing equally good on both sides of the equator.
—Michael D'estries, Treehugger, 30 June 2023
Much of it sags south of the equator during the Southern Hemisphere’s warm months.
—Mary Gilbert, CNN, 13 Sep. 2024
For those north of the equator the summer solstice happens on June 20 or 21.
—Leigh Morgan, al, 21 Dec. 2022
The lights can be seen closer to the equator depending on the strength of the geometric storms.
—Julia Jacobo, ABC News, 19 Sep. 2024
This continent was near the equator and had a dry and warm climate.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 7 Mar. 2024
That includes some areas near the equator and some parts of the Middle East, such as Aden, Yemen.
—Hayley Smith, Los Angeles Times, 4 Aug. 2024
On these days, the hours of daylight and darkness are of equal length, and the sun is directly above the equator at noon.
—Maia Pandey, Journal Sentinel, 9 Sep. 2024
That’s long enough to wrap our planet 10 times at the equator, or to reach the Moon on its closest approach to Earth.
—Robert M. Thorson, Discover Magazine, 9 Dec. 2023
The jet stream is located over the equator, or center, of the planet.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 19 Oct. 2023
South of the equator in the Southern Hemisphere, it's known as the vernal or spring equinox and marks the beginning of spring.
—Doyle Rice, USA TODAY, 20 Sep. 2024
For Hawaii, the state is so close to the equator that there is not a lot of variance between hours of daylight during the year.
—Mary Boyte, The Tennessean, 2 Nov. 2024
But close to the equator, the sun is up for about 12 hours a day all year long, creating less reason to change clocks.
—Scott Dance,, 10 Mar. 2023
While they are most frequently seen closer to the North and South poles, they have been seen closer to the equator.
—Marina Johnson, Detroit Free Press, 4 Sep. 2023
At the equator, an equinox results in about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night, according to NASA.
—Leigh Morgan, al, 20 Mar. 2023
They’re found from polar waters to the equator, at the water’s surface and miles deep, in the open ocean, along coasts, and even in some coastal rivers.
—Michael Heithaus, Discover Magazine, 5 Aug. 2024
The cycle swings between warmer and cooler seawater in a region along the equator in the tropical Pacific.
—Doyle Rice, USA TODAY, 2 Feb. 2025
La Niña, which means ‘small girl’ in Spanish, is a climatic condition occurring when the Pacific Ocean cools near the equator, pushing the high-altitude jet stream north.
—Martin E. Comas, Orlando Sentinel, 4 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'the equator.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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